What are the Secrets About True Balance?
Over the years we have all heard the experts speaking about balance in your life. I really think it was just their way of trying to make you feel better about being average. The truth is that there is no balance whenever are going after a goal. There is no magic wand you can put over your life and say, ah! 50 percent goes to family and 50 percent goes to my business.
If you want to know the secret of true balance then you should always be aware that there is no 50/50 balance. What we all need to focus on is making sure that we are living in harmony. We want to make sure that how we are living is working for us and the ones in our lives that we care about.
Maybe you have a 30/70 balance when it comes to your family. While it may look like your work is taking up a lot of that time, if you invest concentrated quality time with your family then you should be thankful that you have provision and time to focus on those you love.
The worst thing we can do is bring guilt into either our business or our family time. We must set those points and then remember that we have already predetermined how this is going to go and there is nothing to feel guilty about.
You should also understand that things change. Our lives change and we are always going to be working with those changes. When it comes to balance, you have to remember that you are juggling a lot but you don’t want to feel like you are spinning plates and hoping none of them break. We feel less like that when we have a defined plan down and we are determined to follow it. That is, until it does not work for us and then we need to change it.
Katya McEwen is a loving mother and wife, mentor, entrepreneur and coach. You can find her chasing her always traveling daughter around the world or at her beautiful home enjoying the views of the golf course with her husband Jeff and four-legged fur baby, Trinky.
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