Stop Lying to Yourself: Do You Want It Bad Enough?
The worst lie you will ever buy is the one that you sell to yourself. As business professionals we have to learn to keep ourselves in check because we have no one to help us. At least this is how it has been in the past. Now there are other options and I will discuss that more in depth near the bottom of this post. Before we go into that, let’s shed some light on the matter and see if incongruity is blocking you.
Do You Ever…
- Say that you want one thing and go do the other
- Set goals and not achieve them
- Get frustrated because you can’t find the fuel you need to accomplish a project
If you said yes to any of the above then you may be dealing with a desire issue. You may not have even thought about this because you obviously want it or you wouldn’t be asking for it. The challenge is that different things require different levels of desire to achieve.
It is easy to go to the fridge and get ice cream when we want ice cream but it is not so easy to get on the exercise bike after a full day of productivity.
Here’s An Exercise That Will Help You
Grab your handy dandy notebook and draw a line down the middle of your paper. Over the right side of the paper, write, “How badly do I want it?” Over the left side of the paper, write, “What is it?”
Begin on the left and put down the things that you really want. Only make this a sentence or two. Be very specific. Then go on down the same side of the paper and write what results that result will produce. One decision and one result can cause a lot of other things to start happening.
Now you can go over to the right side of your paper and honestly write down the current level of motivation you are feeling. You can do this on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 means it is boring you to death and 10 means you are ready to rock and roll.
Now you have to think about the level of drive needed to meet this goal. What number is it on a scale of 1 to 10? That number might be different than what is needed to achieve the goal. You want to describe how you have to feel for you to get what you want.
For you to get things done you have to have desire high enough to push you through the discomfort required to achieve the goal.
Now you know what your goal really is and you know what it is going to take to achieve it. Is there enough desire and drive there? Will your desire and drive push you to do what is necessary? You may not always feel super happy and excited about what is going on right at that moment but if you have your eye on the prize and you know you have what it takes, you will get it done.
Now, at the top of the article I was talking about how as business owners we have to keep ourselves accountable and make sure we are doing what is necessary. That is true but there is now a new tool that is priceless. Accountability coaches. These coaches keep you on track and basically do not let you hold yourself back. Many times they are skilled in leadership, business and other areas so there are plenty of benefits. If you are feeling alone and need some extra help, hiring an accountability coach is a great idea.

Katya McEwen is a loving mother and wife, mentor, entrepreneur and coach. You can find her chasing her always traveling daughter around the world or at her beautiful home enjoying the views of the golf course with her husband Jeff and four-legged fur baby, Trinky.
What we focus on we attract, choose wisely 😜
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