Are You Ready to Go to the Next Level? #1 Tip to Help You Fly!
As business owners, we are pretty independent and that can mean that we do not like to ask for help. It also means we don’t really have anyone to answer to. Well, we do have the bills to answer to but there is no boss looking over our shoulder.
Not having anyone to tell us what to do can be great but there is a pitfall there as well. If we do not have anyone to be accountable to, it is easy to not be accountable at all. A few extra naps during the work day, some more fun with the girlfriends and before we know it the day is gone and we have nothing accomplished.
Maybe you are been considering getting a coach but you aren’t really sure what coaching is or what it is going to do for you.
What is Coaching?
Coaches help you put a plan together to reach your goals and keep you accountable. Having regular calls set up with your coach will ensure that you get your work done. Not only will you want to have your work done because you don’t want to look bad, but it makes us feel proud and accomplished when we can give a good report. If we get a little off track, our coach helps us get back into the swing of things.
Athletes have long understood the importance of having a coach but it is a recent development that the general public has realized this great need of having a coach. Whether you are in business or you are working to get your life on track, coaching helps you set your goals and progress toward them.
How to Find the Right Coach for You
Not everyone is going to vibe with the same coach or coaching style. Some people need a coach that is a little more stern and others need a more caring approach. Different strokes for different folks as they say.
The best thing to do is to go through a review process. Most coaches have discovery calls that will let the both of you get to know each other. Have a list of questions you can ask before getting on the call to make sure you are productive.

Katya McEwen is a loving mother and wife, mentor, entrepreneur and coach. You can find her chasing her always traveling daughter around the world or at her beautiful home enjoying the views of the golf course with her husband Jeff and four-legged fur baby, Trinky.
What we focus on we attract, choose wisely 😜
What we focus on we attract, choose wisely 😜 Expressing gratitude bolsters self-worth and self-esteem. When you realize how much people have done for you or how much you have accomplished, you feel confident and happy 😊 3 ways you can start practicing gratitude 1....