“Motivation” Tactics to Stay Away From
Whether you are in network marketing or you work in a corporate job with a team structure, I’m sure that you have experienced some motivation tactics that are NOT motivating. Don’t worry, we have all experienced it. Here are a couple of tactics that you want to stay away from.
#1 – Slave Driver with a Massive Ego
This is most common with people that have achieved a lot of success in their past, gotten to a leadership position and are now on coast mode. They can’t be bothered with extra work but they can hand out the orders easily enough. They tell their team what to do and wait for them to hop to it but the lack of respect their team has for them as a leader is low so little gets done. When this happens, they blame the team instead of themselves because of their massive ego. Remember, everything rises and falls on leadership!
#2 – Guilt Trip
Oh, the ever so popular guilt trip motivation tactic. “You have no idea how good you have it! When I was building the company barely had anything. You should be doing more. You have more time than I had. More contacts! You basically have everything better and you aren’t doing anything!” Ok, so sometimes the guilt trip leaders may say things in so many words but often it comes out like this so it is a little more round about. “It is time to stop sitting on the sidelines ladies and gentlemen, there is a lot of money out there. Do you want this or not? I’m not feeling like you want it very bad.”
These motivation tactics often make the team feel anger and frustration instead of motivation. It is a sign of inability to inspire and will lead to attrition in the team or at least separation.

Katya McEwen is a loving mother and wife, mentor, entrepreneur and coach. You can find her chasing her always traveling daughter around the world or at her beautiful home enjoying the views of the golf course with her husband Jeff and four-legged fur baby, Trinky.
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