Life is a cycle of a bad, good and better days! You will always find better days! There is always HOPE!
Have you ever been in a funk kinda mood? When you in a funk, everything seems to be grey in your life and you feel like everything and everybody is conspiring against you. I had been in that kinda mood for few days, I was feeling sorry for myself, I was looking at things and trying to find what was wrong and not what was right, I know we all been there. I hope this post will help you to get out of your FUNK
Sometimes all we need is a little or great inspiration to shake us up to move forward. This is why I started this 21 day blogging challenge, to give HOPE and inspiration to people like you and I! And if I can brighten up someone’s day, even if it is just one person-I am a happy camper.
Today I was at “A Day Just For Women” And to tell you the truth because I was ” in a funk” I even contemplated not going, I did not feel like going at all, but I GT UP!, DRESSED UP! and SHOWED UP! Am I ever glad that I did!
I was totally in for a HUGE surprise…The energy of the room full of amazing women was incredible. Our speaker for the day was Ronda Rich – best selling Southern author and syndicated columnist.
We started the day with “It’s More That The Drawl” and she kept everyone in stitches laughing and crying at the same time. What an incredible storyteller she is. Her stories were funny and moving and incredibly inspirational. All stories had life lessons and I would love to share few with you.
From a practical advice to keep a real list of what you really need, while people asking you questions at the funeral of your loved ones when someone is telling you to call them if you ever need anything. She talked about her bestselling book WHAT SOUTHERN WOMEN KNOW (THAT EVERY WOMAN SHOULD) which I purchased of course and got it autographed by Ronda along with three more books (can’t wait to read all of them lots of material for my future blogs Hehehe),
Ronda talked about Southern golden rule :” If you can’t charm them, just feed them!” Right there and then It all fell into a place for me, it answered why I fell in love with Southern hospitality and all the incredible people I had met since I moved to Kentucky in June 2014. People do really look you in your eyes and when they ask you ” How are you?” They truly care to know! People like my amazing neighbours who made our transition a very pleasurable one, who opened their hearts and their home to us and became a very good friends.
Ronda’s incredible sense of humor and wit reminded me to go after my dreams with relentless passion once again. I might not know yet how I will get where I DREAM to get in this life. But I once again was reminded about miracles that happen in most unbelievable circumstances, when everything and everybody tells you it is impossible, DON’T GIVE UP!
I held my tears back when I was listening to heartwarming miracle story of faith of a Ronda’s aunt, who prayed and believed that her son is alive, even after she was ordered to hold a funeral for him. And he came home against all odds.
And it hit me hard, we all need to stop playing victims to our circumstances, we all need to learn to deal with the cards that we had been given. We all need to learn from Southern women to be grateful for what we have and to never ever GIVE UP!
You see if Jimmy Buffet’s agent would give up after he was turned down more than 30 times ( every label in Nashville turn him down three times and some four times) we would have never heard Margaritaville, if Ronda would listen to her agent and said OK we will put another of her book on a shelf, it would have never become bestselling book. Every NO you hear brings you that much closer to a YES. if you belief in yourself there is no stopping you!
picture of diamond diggers
In Ronda’s own words ” Life is a cycle of a bad, good and better days! You will always find better days! There is always HOPE! “
If you found value in this post, if you like what you reading share it and let others to be inspired.

Katya McEwen is a loving mother and wife, mentor, entrepreneur and coach. You can find her chasing her always traveling daughter around the world or at her beautiful home enjoying the views of the golf course with her husband Jeff and four-legged fur baby, Trinky.
What we focus on we attract, choose wisely 😜
What we focus on we attract, choose wisely 😜 Expressing gratitude bolsters self-worth and self-esteem. When you realize how much people have done for you or how much you have accomplished, you feel confident and happy 😊 3 ways you can start practicing gratitude 1....