Law of Attraction, Law of Vibration & How It Relates to Sales
If you have been around the personal development world for any period of time, I am sure you have heard of the law of attraction and the law of vibration.
The law of attraction is secondary to the law of vibration. The law of vibration says that everything is always moving and that different things just come from different levels of vibration.
When you want to attract good things into your life, you need to have the right vibration to attract what you want. The good thing is that we have the ability to choose to be in a good vibration.
How does this relate to your sales?
It relates to your sales because you will attract what you are in harmony with. If you are constantly thinking that you are not going to make the sale, then you are not going to make the sale. You literally push away the good. If you want to create good on the other hand, you have to keep in the right mindset, stay positive and see yourself winning.
You may notice whenever you go into a certain environment that you feel a certain way but when you go into another environment you feel another way. Observe and pay attention to what happens to your state and what you are thinking when you go into different environments and always remember to set yourself up for success with a great environment.
As you are working on selling, remember that you want to be on the prospect’s “wavelength” so that you can communicate best and you will be surprised how easy it is to make sales and bring on new business.
Studying the law of attraction and the law of vibration will enable you to be a more effective salesperson and instead of feeling stressed about selling, you will begin to love it!

Katya McEwen is a loving mother and wife, mentor, entrepreneur and coach. You can find her chasing her always traveling daughter around the world or at her beautiful home enjoying the views of the golf course with her husband Jeff and four-legged fur baby, Trinky.
What we focus on we attract, choose wisely 😜
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