How to Build Influence & Become a Leader in Your Workplace
We all know that leadership means more responsibility and when you take on more responsibility that means a change of position and a change of position means more pay. How do you get that leadership role in your workplace? To land that leadership role, you must learn to influence those around you. In this article, you will learn how to build influence and become a leader in your workplace.
When you are the person that knows what to do in any given situation, people start to look to you for answers. When people are in a bind and are in a panic, you are the one that comes to mind as the solution. The more knowledge we gain in the field we want to gain influence in, the more influence we can gain. Building knowledge and expertise doesn’t always mean that you have to go and get a degree. You can simply add 30 minutes of learning on the topic into your routine a day and you will find yourself growing head and shoulders above those around you.
Building your network is very powerful. When you have a network that is very well connected, people want to know you. People pay attention to what you have to say and see value in following you. Building networks can be tricky and there is a lot to learn on this subject, but if you learn to master it, you will find yourself heavily rewarded.
If you really want to get people’s attention, you need to create a track record. When you do something, make sure that you make it happen. Have you ever heard the saying, you’re only as good as your last deal? People remember what you did last. People really remember when you helped them succeed. Make sure when you set out to do something that you create massive success.
These tips will help you build your influence in your workplace and you will see very soon that you are able to gain the level of influence that you desire.

Katya McEwen is a loving mother and wife, mentor, entrepreneur and coach. You can find her chasing her always traveling daughter around the world or at her beautiful home enjoying the views of the golf course with her husband Jeff and four-legged fur baby, Trinky.
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