How to Create More Harmony In Your Life
Creating more harmony in our lives often goes on the back burner to all of the other things that are weighing on our minds. We have questions like, “How am I going to make ends meet this month?”, “How am I going to get my teen to adjust their attitude?”, “When am I ever going to get a break?”, “Does my butt look big in these jeans?”
What we need to look more into is creating more harmony in our lives. This may be one of the most challenging things for people since most of the time no one talks about harmony. Even in the personal development space, it is more about achievement and hitting our goals than thinking about how our lives are right now. Most people are teaching to defer your happiness to the future instead of being able to have it all.
When we are talking about harmony, we are talking about the feeling of flow in our lives so everything in our lives serves us instead of stresses us. If you feel that your core values are being violated in your life then you will not experience flow. This is why we need to take an inventory of how we are living our lives and if it aligns with our values.
Another thing you need to keep on your radar is boundaries. If you are not setting boundaries in your life then you will have no peace and harmony. Being on call 24/7 does not do any good for us or those around us. We train people how to treat us by what we allow. We don’t have to SAY anything about how they are allowed to treat us, it is all a better of what we let happen.
Take some time to sit down and figure out what you see in your life that are things that create harmony and then look at the things that create disharmony. Start working on taking away the things that cause disharmony and adding this that cause harmony. Your life will be a much better quality when you do this simple thing.
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Katya McEwen is a loving mother and wife, mentor, entrepreneur and coach. You can find her chasing her always traveling daughter around the world or at her beautiful home enjoying the views of the golf course with her husband Jeff and four-legged fur baby, Trinky.
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