Facebook Relationship Building Dos & Dont’s
Whatever business you are doing, if you want to use facebook to build that business, it is important that you listen to these pointers. They will help you take a lot of the learning curve off and you’ll be able to get results much faster.
Facebook Don’ts and How to Fix Them
Adding people to purely be a number. If you are adding people just because you want to be able to get another friend and feel more “networked” then you’re going to see results. That isn’t relationship building at all. If you aren’t speaking with these people, you aren’t going to see very many results.
More talking than listening. If you want to get to know people and create a relationship, it is important to listen to them. Ask questions and have a ping pong back and forth. Share about you and let them share about them. Just think about how you would feel if people didn’t care anything about you and just kept talking and talking about themselves.
Only showing up when you want something. Oh, this is the worst. You get friended by someone and welcome them to your list. They say nothing. 2 years later you get a message. “I’m so excited! I just got into a pre-launch opportunity and thought of you! Are you open to extra income???” Seriously? You thought of me? It has been 2 years and you never answered my message. lol Yikes. 😛 Don’t be that person. Instead, friend someone, say hello, ask a few questions and if you think you guys would get along well, you might even schedule a phone call or video chat. That is how to build relationships.
Remember that what works in “real life” also works on social media. Why would we think people change whenever they get on social media? They don’t. They are the same people with feelings, goals and dreams. Treat people with kindness, caring and compassion. Build relationships. Sow seeds and the harvest will come!

Katya McEwen is a loving mother and wife, mentor, entrepreneur and coach. You can find her chasing her always traveling daughter around the world or at her beautiful home enjoying the views of the golf course with her husband Jeff and four-legged fur baby, Trinky.
What we focus on we attract, choose wisely 😜
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