Daily Method of Operation (DMO) – Being Process Oriented
As a business, owner, wife and mom to our dog Trinky, I have to make sure I am as productive as possible. Keeping a firm DMO aka daily method of operation makes sure I stay on track.
Sometimes it can be easy to want to kick our shoes off when we get home and say, oh forget it! I’ve done enough today at work, but I don’t do that. Like Jim Rohn said, “Work full time on your job and part time on your fortune.” Anytime I want to kick my feet up instead of perform my DMO, I think of those words from Jim.
Having a daily method of operation simply means that you figure out what you need to do on a daily basis and you do it daily. Yes, simple as that. Once you have your DMO together, you just rinse and repeat. Being consistent is important.
Let me tell you that you may experience some challenges along the way. Maybe you are working diligently and you don’t see the results that you want. You’ve prospected for 5 whole days in a row and no one was interested. Ok, maybe you prospected for 30 days in a row or more and no one was interested. This is where the test of your DMO comes in.
Some people will quit at this point and say, ah! My DMO is not working! Other people will say, ah, I am sowing seeds and my DMO is going to allow me to reap the harvest. Truthfully, what we do today will not show up at all for at least 90 days. Look back 90 days and see what you were doing. Were you doing income producing activities? If yes, then look out! Your results are on the way.
The more we are process oriented and we celebrate our wins, the better. Instead of feeling bad when we don’t get the results that we want, we can congratulate ourselves for doing the actions necessary to see success.

Katya McEwen is a loving mother and wife, mentor, entrepreneur and coach. You can find her chasing her always traveling daughter around the world or at her beautiful home enjoying the views of the golf course with her husband Jeff and four-legged fur baby, Trinky.
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