How to Build Like & Trust – Relationships Cannot Be Automated
In this super fast paced world, we want everything yesterday. We want our harvest to come the next day after we’ve planted. Most of us know this is not realistic but we hope for it and expect it anyway. The same is with like and trust and relationships.
If you are a network marketing professional, you may have been working online to build relationships and bring new people into your team. Have you been having less than great results? The truth is that relationships cannot mature overnight. We have to remember that we are asking these people to go into business with us and it may take some personalities time to trust.
One point we need to address is automation. Everyone wants to automate. They want to make sequences for prospecting, presentation, follow up and everything else and not talk to anyone. While this sounds like a quick way to cash, the truth is that people do not join systems or websites. People join people and want to learn more about us and how we are going to be to work with. Do they like us? Do they think we can help them achieve success?
Don’t get me wrong, I love automation in the right place. I believe it can save us a lot of valuable time and keep us from getting into a state of overwhelm. The place that cannot be automated is showing people that you care, talking to people and learning about them. Yes, this is a time investment but if you want to have good relationships and be able to help influence people to make a good decision then that time investment is necessary.
Set aside a certain amount of time that you want to use to build relationships and keep your commitment to doing that. Automate the people finding and then take the relationship personal!

Katya McEwen is a loving mother and wife, mentor, entrepreneur and coach. You can find her chasing her always traveling daughter around the world or at her beautiful home enjoying the views of the golf course with her husband Jeff and four-legged fur baby, Trinky.
What we focus on we attract, choose wisely 😜
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