7 Productivity Tips for Home Based Business Owners
Just because our businesses are based at home does not mean that they are not real businesses. One of the hot topics in business is productivity and getting more done in less time. The more we get done in less time, the more free time we have and who wouldn’t want that? Here are 7 productivity tips for home based business owners!
#1 – Chunking or Blocking Tasks & Errands
Do you feel like you are a scattered mess? The best way to get stop being scattered it to figure out everything that you need to have done in your business. Do you have errands to run throughout the week? If you have similar types of errands or errands that are in the same side of town then schedule them to be done at the same time.
When you put certain tasks at certain times in the day or in the week you are going to feel much more in control. You will also have more focus and get much more done faster.
#2 – Lessen Meetings & Make Them Faster
Meetings can be so much fun. We get to see each other and laugh and have a good time but that’s not really what meetings are about. It’s fine to have some fun but meetings really should be for decision making and getting some proper training done.
The fewer meetings you have, the more work you can get done. Keeping the meetings short and to the point is important. Otherwise you can get lost in meetings and get no work done.
#3 – Make Sure Your Team Can Access Needed Information
Having information easily accessible to your team is a must. Everyone should know where to go to get supplies they need, answers to questions and who they need to run decisions by. The less confusion, the more that will get done.
#4 – Use the Cloud
Using cloud based platforms will help everyone keep in touch and be able to access information when needed. There are a few different cloud based platforms that will allow you to keep files, share files and use group features. Pick the one that works best for you and move forward!
#5 – Build a Team That Builds Leverage
Building a team is a must when you want to be more productive without burning yourself out. No matter what type of home business you are running, you can have a team. You may be in network marketing and be able to recruit others into your team in your company or you may have a coaching business and want to hire a virtual assistant. These are great ways to build leverage and get more done!
#6 – Track Your Real Performance
There are plenty of ways that you can track your real performance. You can take a look at your customer retention, if people are showing up to work, how customer service is doing and more. There are different tools you can use to chart these different things.
# 7 – Check for Team Member Satisfaction
When your team is happy, they are going to work harder and do better jobs. They will go above and beyond to make you happy and help you achieve your goals. If they are NOT happy they will do the opposite.
If this list has you feeling overwhelmed then stop. Focus on only one thing and get really good at doing that and then you can move on to other points and keep increasing your productivity.

Katya McEwen is a loving mother and wife, mentor, entrepreneur and coach. You can find her chasing her always traveling daughter around the world or at her beautiful home enjoying the views of the golf course with her husband Jeff and four-legged fur baby, Trinky.
What we focus on we attract, choose wisely 😜
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